We specialize in fitness equipment repair, assembly, preventive maintenance, and equipment relocation. We service all makes and models. We work closely with distributors to acquire parts need for all fitness equipment types.

Tips and questions on how to exercise on your equipment
By Zhenhan
A 48 inch mini trampoline, also known as a rebounder, is a compact and versatile piece of fitness equipment designed for indoor use.

Benefits of 48 mini trampoline
Cardiovascular Health: Rebounding on a mini trampoline provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout, which can help improve heart health and endurance.
Balance and Coordination: Regular use can enhance balance, coordination, and core strength.
Joint-Friendly: The bounce absorbs impact, making it gentler on the joints compared to high-impact exercises like running.
Calorie Burning: It can effectively burn calories and support weight loss when combined with a balanced diet.

A 48 inch mini trampoline is a great option for those with limited space who want to add a fun and effective element to their fitness routine.

The workout of 48 mini trampoline

A 48 inch mini trampoline, or rebounder, offers a variety of workout options that can enhance cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility.

Basic Bounce
How To: Gently bounce up and down on the 48 mini trampoline, keeping your feet close together and landing softly on the balls of your feet.

High Knees
How To: While bouncing, lift your knees as high as possible towards your chest. Alternate legs with each bounce.

Jumping Jacks
How To: Perform jumping jacks while on the 48 mini trampoline by jumping with your legs spreading out to the sides and your arms raising above your head.

Running in Place
How To: Mimic a running motion while bouncing on the 48 mini trampoline. Move your arms as if running, and lift your knees high.

Tuck Jumps
How To: Bounce up and, at the peak of the jump, bring your knees towards your chest and then extend your legs as you land.

How To: While bouncing, twist your torso from side to side, keeping your lower body stable.

How To: Sit on the 48 mini trampoline with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly and perform a crunch by lifting your shoulders towards your knees.

How To: Perform squats by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and lowering your hips back as if you’re sitting in a chair. Bounce gently as you come up.

How To: Step one foot forward into a lunge position while bouncing gently. Alternate legs.

Leave it up to our technicians to come and fix your equipment issues.